Step 1: Bringing a Video
How do I bring a video? |
You'll need the following ingredients:
- A new browser page.
- A video community website (see below for
a full list of video communities).
- A URL of the video you want to add
bubbles to.
- A mouse or a keyboard for pasting the URL
into the text window on the BubblePLY.com
BubblePLY.com will mix all these ingredients to
verify everything has been included. After a few seconds
your video will open in the PLYcreator™.
What sites can I bring a video from? |
Currently, not all video communities are enabled with
At the moment, BubblePLY.com supports the URLs from the
following sites:
Note: BubblePLY.com does not store or
host any videos on it's website. All videos are provided
courtesy of other websites. If you wish to Bubble your
own video, you will need to host it on one of the above
video hosting or community web sites and come back to
BubblePLY.com with the URL.
(*) Microsoft Media Player enabled site
Once I press Next, what should
happen? |
The video you are bringing to BubblePLY.com will
stream into the PLYcreator™. This may take a bit of
time depending on your connection speed and delays (if
any) at the video community site.
Why can my link not be displayed? |
Before anyone can create a BubblePLY, the system
check to see that the video on which you want to create
is still being hosted. If you see a message that your
link is not available it means that we are having
difficulties finding your selection and you should try
another video.
Does BubblePLY.com already have videos on
which I can create bubbles? |
Sure. Just select one of the Top of the
day on the left side of the homepage.